About Us

The Who:

Dollar for Humanity (DFH) is a non-profit Non-government and Socially Govern (SGO) Organization, located in the state of Florida, driven by the desire, that each person has a social responsibility to their community. The company’s goal are to assist, uplift, and help build the community. DFH believe that self-reliance leads to self-preservation, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The 35th president of the United States of America, once said, “Ask not what your county can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. Dollar for Humanity was founded on the premise that each individual should be contributing to the betterment of their community and country collectively.

The Why:

In life it only takes one kind gesture to change someone’s life, accumulatively these small gestures can become an astronomical difference and a positive impact on a community or an individual. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that because the United States is economically wealthy, the level of poverty seen in third world countries is non-existence, thus communities that experience a high level of poverty are neglected. The organizations goal is a hands-on approach to help communities throughout the world, not only when a disaster occur but, to assist in rebuilding and revitalizing inner-city neighborhoods, while putting our own community first. DFH volunteers are genuine servant leaders, who live by the conviction of giving back, without receiving.
Our company seeks to educate the community on the importance of being servant leaders in their respective communities. Through education individuals within their prospective communities will not rely or become heavily dependent on the government. They will be equipped with the necessary tools to become self-sufficient in resolving problems effectively that may occur in their respective communities. Subsequently, with the adequate knowledge, as a collective force, community goals will be attainable and achieved, without government assistant. This will set Dollar for Humanity apart from other non-profits, DFH standards will inspire others to become responsible individuals within their community.

The What:

Charitable Foundations/Organizations have been the auxiliary backbone to government social structure. Charities picks up the slack where the government failed to find a solution. The charitable foundations targets under-developed countries, solving the issue of poverty, disparity in education, minimal to health care, environmental issues that threatened human survival. Unfortunately, entire communities usually become dependent on charitable organization. The opportunity to get everyone involved in the betterment of society might give each person a sense of making a difference. This sometimes fuel the hidden fire in individuals to do better, particularly those who sometimes view charity as a profitable business. They might understand the purpose and the satisfaction of making a change the efficacious difference in society. The call for charity is in every religious text you can find, we are encouraged to give of ourselves when we can. Today more people are in need of help, due to the equity scale being unbalanced and tipping in the wrong direction. Most charities target the uber-rich for funding and donations, DFH encourages appreciates donations from everyone who has the capacity to give a dollar. Our organization are not reinventing the wheel of charity, as this is a long-standing element of society, Dollar for Humanity plans are to expand the scope of who and how we target our donors. DFH is a new-age solution to an old-world need, getting the community involved in solving their own problem is a more effective solution, as only those in the community truly know its needs. Dollar for Humanity, are using an unconventional way to find and target more resources, in order to fund DFH and provide the services offered within our organization. Your Donation is Greatly Appreciated. From Dollar for Humanity, to you our donors we collectively say... “THANK YOU”