Copyright ©2024 Dollarforhumanity
City of Buffalo Tops Supermarket
Dollar for Humanity Condemn the shooting in Buffalo, New York, and stands in solidarity with the victims, loved ones, and the City of Buffalo in their moment of grief. The fabric of Humanity is a Kaleidoscope of colours (ethnic group); no one group is more important than the other. Humanity is the body and the different ethnic groups are the organs that each play an important part in keeping the body whole. Let us all come together and recognize that we all have to do what is right to maintain the health of humanity for the sake of humanityDollar for Humanity Condemn the shooting in Buffalo, New York, and stands in solidarity with the victims, loved ones, and the City of Buffalo in their moment of grief. The fabric of Humanity is a Kaleidoscope of colours (ethnic group); no one group is more important than the other. Humanity is the body and the different ethnic groups are the organs that each play an important part in keeping the body whole. Let us all come together and recognize that we all have to do what is right to maintain the health of humanity for the sake of humanityDollar for Humanity Condemn the shooting in Buffalo, New York, and stands in solidarity with the victims, loved ones, and the City of Buffalo in their moment of grief. The fabric of Humanity is a Kaleidoscope of colours (ethnic group); no one group is more important than the other. Humanity is the body and the different ethnic groups are the organs that each play an important part in keeping the body whole. Let us all come together and recognize that we all have to do what is right to maintain the health of humanity for the sake of humanity
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